2008年11月23日 星期日

Order and disorder

Order and disorder

Order and disorder, describes the way of the artist’s creating. In the eye of the artist, our nature includes the spaces of order and disorder at the same time. In the space of disorder, it is full of infinite possibilities and uncertainties. Just like the running river, no matter rapid or tardy, is still flowing forward and never stops. In the space of order, it is full of extreme sense. Just like the alternation of day and night, the change of four seasons, are all designed to balance the energy of disorder. Between the spaces of order and disorder, contrariety and conflict are produced, and then we could perceive the incredible beauty.

At the beginning of the artist creation, it was in a free status. The spiritual thinking and meditation construct the initial work. Then, unlimited dots, lines, and faces come out. It’s just like the chaos of the cosmos, not only full of uncertainties, but extreme power of life and creation. The artist himself as a creator, use his intelligent and sense to make everything in the law of the nature. With the flowing of the time, the disorder will return to the order.

The artist believes that interesting things usually happen at the moment of contrariety and conflict. The incredible beauty is also happened at that moment. So he tends to create within two statuses, one is the disorder, which is the origin of the creation, full of unexpected amazement from sensitivity and romance; the other is order, which turns the status to sense and adds the element of balance. Trying to discover the combination of these two statuses, you’ll see the beauty.

2008年11月7日 星期五

Statement of Order and Disorder

序 order & disorder

以序為主題,是在描述藝術家(Peter Lee)的創作方式。在藝術家的眼中,我們的大自然同時存在著有序與無序(order & disorder)的空間。在無序的空間裡,充滿了無限的可能性與不確定性,就像是流動的河水,時快,時慢,一切隨著環境的不同,有不同的變化,但永遠是不停地向前推進。在有序的空間裡,透露了極端的理性,如同晝夜四季的交替,一切的內容都是被設計來平衡無序空間裡的能量。在這樣有序與無序的空間中,就產生了對立和衝突,並從中發現出不可思議的「美」。

序 Order and Disorder 2008

Artist statement 創作自述


自2002年七月远赴英伦,其在创作一幅作品的过程中, 在初期我未曾预想画面的表现会是如何? 我会试着平静心情, 专注自己的呼吸去面对眼前空白的画布, 等到信心一刻的来到时, 我会摒住呼吸,运用身体的力量, 将力量传递到画笔上,进而将颜料表现在画布上。至于自信的来源是什么? 我所运用的方法是想象我是一座屹立不摇的大山和澎湃的大河, 当河水流动时, 有时会因遇到障碍而流速减缓了, 但当过了障碍后,一切的流畅和自由又再次的来到。所以想象我是一座大山往往是我运笔自信的来源, 而大河无穷尽的变化, 会是我画面构成的基本理论。运用身体力量的传递和呼吸的调节来构成画面的点、线和面。


Artist Statement

I was a resident artist in north London and moved to England, United Kingdom since July 2002. Personally, I think that art is a form of self-reflection and self-release. To me the process of painting is like meditation. My focus is just on one thing---paint. I realized the more I paint, the healthier I get. Therefore, painting for me is a healthy activity and it has already become a part of my life. When I paint, I do not preconceive what the painting will look like. I just imagine I am still like a strong mountain and flow like a great river. Stability is me source of confidence and forward ahead is my only way to go. When painting, sometimes I am free; sometime I am struggle. After doing a series of paintings, I found myself frequent contending with an innate ability to compose well-balanced arrangement of forms and shapes, no matter what I do.

Peter Lee 2006

2008年11月6日 星期四

上海電視台KING空間 Peter Lee 展覽

Peter Lee's exhibition was awarded by Shanghai Art TV Channel

Nov, Dec 2008

Peter Lee 簡歷 Resume

旅英倫敦藝術家 Peter Lee 簡歷

出生日期: 1974年5月2號
出生地點: 臺灣,臺北


英格蘭 考文垂大學藝術學院 傑出藝術碩士 2003


2003.5 個展 赫伯美術館 (考文垂, 英國)

2003.8 個展 庫阿比公園美術館 (考文垂, 英國)

2003 .9 碩士畢業展 蘭開斯特美術館 (考文垂, 英國)

2004 .11 藝術拍賣 依克諾司美術館 ( 倫敦,英國)

2004.12 團體展 司批頭藝術市場 (倫敦,英國)

2005.5 個展 生活美術館 (倫敦,英國)

2005.7 團體展 地索屋工作室 (倫敦,英國)

2005.7 團體展 滑鐵盧美術館 (倫敦,英國)

2005.11 啟發藝術博覽會 倫敦橋 (倫敦,英國)

2005.12 耶誕節藝術博覽會 瑪利潘蕾藝術家聯盟 敝蕭司概大樓
2006.2 團體展 自由風尚美術館 (倫敦,英國)

2006.4 個展 啟發教堂展覽廳 (南倫敦,英國)

2006.6 團體展 菲司萊克美術館 (倫敦,英國)

2006.11 第十屆上海藝術博覽會 世貿商城 中國上海

2007.8 個人展 臺北市立社會教育館

2007.11 個展 (序) KING 空間 上海五角場800號

2007.11 第十一屆上海藝術博覽會 世貿商城 中國上海

2008.3 個展 (理性與感性) 朱屺瞻藝術館 中國上海

2008.3 個展 臺北市立社會教育館 臺灣臺北

2008. 7.8 個展 臺北市政府公訓處 臺灣臺北

2009. 1 個展 台元科技園區 臺灣竹北


2003.5 ‘繪畫中的動態冥想’

2003.10 ‘健康繪畫裡的道和太極拳’

Peter Lee’s Resume

Date of Birth: 02-05-1974
Place of Birth: Taiwan, R.O.C

Education Background

Coventry University, Art and Design School
Distinction MA—Fine Art 2003 England


May 2003 Solo Exhibition Herbert Art Gallery Coventry, UK

Aug 2003 Solo Exhibition Coombe Park Gallery Coventry, UK

Sep 2003 MA Exhibition Lanchester Gallery Coventry, UK

Nov 2004 Fine art auction Ickenox gallery London, UK

Dec 2004 Group Exhibition Spitalfield Market London, UK

Mar 2005 Solo Exhibition Living Room gallery London, UK

July 2005 Group Exhibition Diesel House Studio London, UK

July 2005 Group Exhibition Waterloo gallery London, UK

Nov 2005 Inspired Art Fair London Bridge London, UK

Dec 2005 Christmas Art Fair 99 Bishopsgate Mary Penley Fine Artists London, UK

Feb 2006 Group Exhibition Freestyle Gallery Old Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, UK

April 2006 Solo Exhibition Inspire Church South of London, UK

June 2006 Group Exhibition Feelslike Gallery London, UK,

Nov 2006 Shanghai Art Fair Trade Business Center Shanghai, China

Aug 2007 Solo Exhibition Taipei Culture Center Taipei, Taiwan

Nov 2007 Solo Exhibition KING Space, No.800, Wu Jiao Chang
Shanghai, China

Nov 2007 The 11th Shanghai Art Fair Trade Business Center Shanghai

March 2008 Solo Exhibition(Ration and Sensation)
Zhu Qi Zhan Art Museum Shanghai

March 2008 Solo Exhibition Taipei Culture Center Taipei, Taiwan

July, Aug 2008 Solo Exhibition Taipei City Hall Taipei, Taiwan

Jan 2009 Solo Exhibition Tai Yuen Hi-Tech Industrial Park Chubei, Taiwan


Mar 2003 an essay ‘Dynamic Meditation in painting’

Oct 2003 an essay ‘the more I paint, the healthier I get.
Returning to painting with Tao and Tai Chi Chuan’